Mod Gal in 2023

     In 2023, I retook Mod Gal's blog project and restarted others for 3 old projects, but The year has come and gone and I didn't make any progress with Dressed to Draw, B.O.W. games and The Songdrawer. Drawing and painting, require a better set up that I can afford at the present moment, but in 2024, I need to make a way to retake them.

    Another restart in 2023 was a commercial project called Cheers, which uses my illustration style. So far, we have only a blog, but planning a e-commerce shop.

    I wrote and detailed the screenplays for the first episode and the opening of a series I had created in 2022, Medea & Medusa, developed the main characters' design and initiated a reel.

    I also started the research for another series created in 2022, Wonder WOC, a yet unpublished comics superheroine soon to have its own animated series.

    In October, I claimed the authorship of my many animation screenplays and art direction that were used without permission by big animation studios. And in December, I protected a brand I've created years ago, aimed at unamed character designs of a TV campaign I had done in partnership. A website with minigames is also in development for them.

    Hope to have more done in 2024, but without a confortable set up for the animated series, things go a bit slow. The big expectation for the upcoming year is to have recognition for my work.

Happy New Year!

Mod Gal


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